
Design for Inclusion - Ensuring Techquity in All Learning Spaces

April 30, 2021 NetRef

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by NetRef.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

Technology plays a critical role in today’s schools, but the past year has highlighted the challenges in providing students with equitable access to technology and learning. As you plan and budget for the coming school year, there is the opportunity to reimagine teaching, learning, and how you leverage edtech to provide a diverse and equitable educational experience to students. 

Listen to educator and consultant Ken Shelton in this edWeb podcast to learn how to move beyond digital equity to use classroom technologies to create truly inclusive and culturally conscious learning environments. Ken discusses:

  • Why technology is a critical and necessary component of all learning environments
  • The key culturally responsive and relevant characteristics of digital learning
  • How to use technology to create equitable learning opportunities
  • How to ensure sustainable growth

Use this powerful and engaging presentation as a springboard for your conversations around using technology to create a culture of inclusivity, accessibility, and true equity. This edWeb podcast is of interest to K-12 librarians, school and district leaders, school counselors, and school psychologists.

Helping educators maximize EdTech investments by ensuring all tech tools are being used for learning

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