
Making SEL Accessible for Students with Learning Differences

Learning Ally

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Learning Ally.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

In this edWeb podcast, Academy Award-winning film producer and director and SuperDville founder, Peggy Stern, explores how accessible content and hands-on activities are key to ensuring more successful social and emotional learning (SEL) for students with learning differences. SuperDville is a free video-based SEL curriculum for 7-12-year-olds who learn differently. 

Peggy also discusses how peer-to-peer video-based lessons, featuring other kids with learning differences, help address the whole child and buoy self-esteem, resilience, and empathy while cultivating useful self-advocacy tools, particularly in overlooked communities—like Black, Latinx, and EL students—for whom the equity gap is most wide and the need for SEL programming is the greatest. 

This edWeb podcast: 

  • Explores why relatability is essential for building self-esteem and belonging
  • Emphasizes the need for a community-driven solution to address the needs of kinship and collaboration
  • Delves into topics of equity and inclusion that bolster student empowerment

This edWeb podcast is of interest to preK through middle school teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders.

Learning Ally
Unlocking Student Potential Through Improved Literacy

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