
Achieving Digital Equity - Innovative Leadership Strategies for Today’s School Leaders


This edWeb podcast is sponsored by ClassLink and co-hosted by CoSN, AASA, and edWeb.net.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

The multiple crises of 2020 exposed the enormous inequities that manifest themselves when students lack effective and reliable access to digital devices and robust connectivity in their homes. Often referred to as the “Homework Gap,” the reality is that students and their families suffer major challenges related not only to learning, but also to the ability to stay connected with family and friends, as well as access health services, job opportunities and so much more, when they do not have home access to the appropriate digital tools and high-quality broadband connectivity. 

Achieving digital equity requires focused leadership and innovative strategies. Given the current realities of remote and hybrid learning, as well as the use of digital resources within school classrooms, the issues involved in leading digital transformation are now more urgent and relevant than ever. The promise of anywhere, anytime learning—for all students—requires that schools and communities come together to solve the challenges of digital inequity and the widening disconnect that impacts millions of students and their families. Watch this edWebinar with three leading superintendents who share their strategies, and lessons learned along the way, as they seek to achieve digital equity for all students. 

This edWeb podcast is of particular value to superintendents, K-12 school and district leaders, and aspiring school leaders.

ClassLink’s mission is to remove barriers between students and impactful education content.

AASA, The Superintendents Association
AASA advocates for equity for all students and develops and supports school system leaders.

Visionary leaders empowering every learner to achieve their unique potential in a changing world.

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