
My Future Possible Self - How Life-Ready Literacy Unlocks Lifelong Success for Every Student

Beable Education

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Beable, The Life-Ready Literacy Company.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

This edLeader Panel podcast brings together two progressive forces in education: California’s Cajon Valley Union School District and Beable, which just introduced K-12’s first Life-Ready Literacy System.

Dr. David Miyashiro, Cajon Valley’s superintendent, has spearheaded the district’s seamless transition to the digital age, which has served students and parents well during the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Miyashiro discusses:

§  The district’s approach to back-to-school and how it is using its digital capabilities to maintain student engagement and recover learning loss.

§  The impact of The World of Work, the career development curriculum Cajon Valley developed that has gained international recognition for bridging the gap between education and the workforce – and was a focal point of the recent TedXKids@ElCajon event, ‘My Future Possible Self.’

Saki Dodelson and Susan Gertler, founders of Achieve3000® and now founders of Beable, address:

§  How greater digital agility is required to meet distance learning and back-to-school challenges.

§  How Beable’s multi-dimensional Life-Ready Literacy System connects literacy to workforce readiness by intertwining social-emotional growth with literacy acceleration in core content areas, career exposure and ACT/SAT prep.

Dr. Miyashiro, Saki, Susan and Edward together discuss how Cajon Valley and Beable are partnering to ensure that every student succeeds beyond graduation. This recorded edLeader Panel is of interest to school and district leaders of elementary through high school.

Literacy acceleration, core content, career exposure, ACT/SAT prep in one multi-dimensional system.

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