
Competency-Based Education 101: Demystifying CBE, Unlocking Deep and Joyful Learning

The Educating All Learners Alliance, an InnovateEDU Project

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by The Educating All Learners Alliance, an InnovateEDU Project.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

What is competency-based education (CBE)? How does CBE culture, pedagogy, and structure center students and equity? How can CBE work with learner variability to improve and deepen learning while igniting more joy and engagement in learning? What policies and practices are needed to enable the shift to CBE systems?

Join Jay Jay Pina, a CBE high school support specialist and graduate, and Laurie Gagnon, a national CBE expert, to explore CBE in practice and entry points for shifting to a competency-based approach. Listen to this edWeb podcast to:

  • Learn about what competency-based education is, why it’s important, and what policies are needed to enable the shift to CBE systems
  • Learn how educators and students in different settings across K-12 have approached the shift to CBE
  • Reflect on what it means to center equity and joy in transforming the culture, pedagogy, and structure of K-12 schools and districts

This edWeb podcast is of interest to K-12 teachers and school and district leaders.

The Educating All Learners™ Alliance
An alliance dedicated to equity for complex learners

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