
Highly Effective Family Engagement: 5 Habits to Start Now

ParentPowered, creator of Ready4K

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by ParentPowered, creator of Ready4K.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

Great family engagement practices not only make everyone’s job easier, but they’re also doable for the entire team. But like any new practice, it can be hard to get into the groove. As an education leader, you want to help your team to build those healthy family engagement habits that improve outcomes for students.

In this edWeb podcast, we look at ways to build family engagement within your existing structures and classroom daily routines so that high-quality family engagement becomes a HABIT for everyone involved! We cover:

  • Why family engagement has taken center stage in building healthy schools
  • Five habits that foster great family engagement
  • Strategies for building your new family engagement habits
  • Micro-moments that are perfect for practicing family engagement habits

This edWeb podcast is of interest to PreK-8 school and district leaders and those involved with parent and community involvement, family engagement, and school improvement.

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