
Pushing Through the Mental Ups and Downs with Paralympic Medalist Lex Gillette


This edWeb podcast is hosted by Classroom Champions and sponsored by ClassLink.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

Mental health is a top-of-mind topic for many these days, especially during the pandemic. For both educators and students, there is an impetus to focus on social and emotional learning (SEL) and to normalize conversations about mental health by talking candidly about how to ride the ups and downs of daily life. As the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games kick off, we are excited to hear from silver-medal Paralympian, Lex Gillette, as he shares his strategies for persevering through such highs and lows. 

Lex has embraced the daily pressures that come with being an elite track and field athlete, all while reaching for his goals with the added challenge of being totally blind. Lex is an inspiring speaker, who is known for motivating others far beyond the track with his mantra of “No Need for Sight When You Have a Vision®.” Listen to this edWeb podcast to hear how Lex continues to break records in order to find inspiration to apply to your daily classroom instruction and own personal well-being. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to K-12 and higher education teachers, librarians, counselors, and school and district leaders.

Classroom Champions
Classroom Champions partners athletes with schools with an SEL curriculum and mentorship experience.

ClassLink’s mission is to remove barriers between students and impactful education content.

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